
Isla Turns Two

As far back as I can remember I have wanted a baby. I had this whole idea in my head of what my life would look like. HA! Let’s all laugh together! None of it played out the way I thought it would but the outcome is more amazing than I could have ever imagined. Two years ago I brought my daughter into the world in a pretty traumatic way. As soon as I laid eyes on her after I woke up from surgery, my life completely changed. That was it. She was mine and I was hers and nothing else mattered. She has brought a whole new level of happiness to my life than I ever knew possible.

These past two years I’ve spent being her mommy have been the best two years of my entire life. As she hits each milestone my heart busts wide open. I could watch her sweet smiling self all day and never get tired of it. While she might be coming into her “terrible two’s” and having the occasional meltdown I can say with the utmost confidence that she is one of the most content and happiest children I have ever met (and I’ve met a lot of kids doing what I do).

She lights up any space she walks into. She is sassy and smart and my god is she H I L A R I O U S🤣 Her favorite phrases right now are “I miss you” which is her version of “I love you” and she often uses to try and manipulate you into getting what she wants🤣, “I think so”(which she used correctly and in the funniest of situations) and “I’m not” which falls right in line with the terrible two stereotype! She loves to play outside, climb on things, and is completely fearless except for lizards and frogs! A frog jumped on her knee a few weeks ago and about gave my poor mother a heart attack from the way she fell apart! She hates to be dirty but loves to make a mess. Lol. She loves to help me cook and clean and feel a part of everything going on. I include her as much as I can in our daily activities. She really just has the greatest personality and I’m just so tickled that my genes had anything to do with that.

She is a complete Mama’s girl and has been from the get go but when I’m not there she loves her daddy. When he’s at work she often talks about him but as soon as he gets home she acts like he doesn’t exist.🤣 I try to leave her a few times a week with him so they can bond and play and according to him she is a completely different child with him when I’m not there. She plays with him, talks to him, loves on him, but as soon as I set foot in the door she’s stuck to my hip and wants nothing to do with him🤣 I think she’s broken. She has definitely always gravitated towards female/Mama energy and absolutely loves both her Grandma and her Mimi and let me tell you; those two LIVE AND BREATHE Isla June.

These photos were supposed to be taken at a sunflower field that I had originally rented for some mini sessions and unfortunately the flowers couldn’t take this damn Charleston heat and died the day before I was supposed to shoot there. I wasn’t even going to bother going out there but decided to try it last minute and luckily there was a corn field I was able to use right next to it. I used a tripod/ self timer and my set my camera up for my boyfriend and we just winged it. My goal was to get maybe 5 pics of her and a family picture and I got more than that so I’m a happy girl. I plan on doing another 2 year birthday session with her on my mom’s farm in the next few weeks to show her true country side. Milestone photos have to be some of my favorite sessions as a photographer in Charleston and I’m so thankful to have been able to do them for my own baby girl. Email me with any of your milestone session needs! I know quite a few people with babies turning one very soon so that means y’all will get plenty of Smash Cake Sessions coming your way!

As I sit here and think about all the things this year has brought us, even in the midst of a pandemic that took a tole on our family just like it did yours, I cannot help but to feel unbelievable blessed. Two years with her have brought me more happiness than in my whole 27 years before her. And I’ve had a pretty great life, so thats saying a lot. Anyways, thanks for reading and letting me share all of my favorite things about my favorite person with you. Stop by for more!

We did not get a haircut before this session and it shows 🤣 There was a bow with this outfit that she refused to wear.

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